2015-16 Cross-listed courses

Cross-Listed Courses in History 2015-16

Fall Term

African & African Amer. (AFRAMER) 118 : The History of African Americans From the Slave Trade to the Civil War

African & African Amer. (AFRAMER) 123X: Mass Incarceration in Historical Perspective

African & African Amer. (AFRAMER) 198X: Scientific Racism: A History

American Studies (AMSTDIES) 201: Themes in American Studies

Culture & Belief (CULTBLF) 50: The European Postwar

East Asian Langs & Civ (CHNHIS) 201: Intellectual Debates in China Today

East Asian Langs & Civ (CHNSHIS 270A): Research Methods in Late Imperial Chinese History I: Seminar

East Asian Langs & Civ (KORHIST) 115: Korean History Through Film

East Asian Langs & Civ (KORHIST) 253: Modern Korean History: Proseminar

East Asian Langs & Civ (KORHIST) 260: Readings in Modern Korean History I

Economics (ECON) 1776: Religion and the Rise of Capitalism

Economics (ECON) 2339RA: Economic History Lunch

Ethical Reasoning (ETHRSON) 40: History of Human Rights

History and Literature (HIST-LIT 90AV): Revolution and Reform in Britain and France, 1820-1880

History and Literature (HIST-LIT 90BL): American Memorials from Slavery to September 11

History and Literature (HIST-LIT 90BO): Sports and Empire

History and Literature (HIST-LIT 90BQ): Early Modern Encounters

History and Literature (HIST-LIT 90BX: World War I in Fiction, Film, Poetry, and Memoir

History and Literature (HIST-LIT 90BY): Cold War Cinema

History and Literature (HIST-LIT 90BZ): Harvard, Meritocracy, and the Making of Elites

History and Literature (HIST-LIT 90CA): Cocaine: Customs and War in the Americas

History and Literature (HIST-LIT 90L): Stories of Slavery and Freedom

History of Science (HISTSCI 141V): Public Health and Welfare in America and Europe

Medieval Studies (MEDVLSTD) 107: Authority and Invention: Medieval Art and Architecture

Near Eastern Languages & Civ  (ARABIC) 160R: Readings in Arabic Historians, Geographers, and Biographers

Near Eastern Languages & Civ (ARABIC) 248R: Readings in Social and Legal Texts

Societies of the World (SOCWORLD) 12: China

Societies of the World (SOCWORLD) 14: The British Empire

Societies of the World (SOCWORLD) 30: Moctezuma's Mexico: Then and Now

Societies of the World  (SOCWORLD) 34: The Caribbean: Globalization, Socio-Economic Dev. & Cultural Adaptation

Societies of the World (SOCWORLD) 41: Medieval Europe

Societies of the World (SOCWORLD) 42: The World Wars in Global Context, 1905-1950

South Asian Studies (SAS) 130: Economic History of India

South Asian Studies (SAS 179): South Asia: Connected Histories, Interdisciplinary Frames

South Asian Studies (SAS) 230: Environmental History of South Asia

United States in the World (US) 38: Forced to be Free: Americans as Occupiers and Nation-Builders

United States in the World (US) 39: History of American Democracy

Women, Gender & Sexuality (WOMGEN) 1258: Friends with Benefits?


Spring Term

African & African Amer. (AFRAMER) 11: Introduction to African Studies

African & African Amer. (AFRAMER) 124Y: Afro-Latin America: History and  Culture

African & African Amer. (AFRAMER) 125X: Urban Inequality after Civil Rights

African & African Amer. (AFRAMER) 135X: Reading Du Bois

African & African Amer. (AFRAMER) 191X: African American Lives in the Law

Culture & Belief (CULTBLF) 51: Making the Middle Ages

East Asian Langs & Civ (CHNSHIS 270B): Research Methods in Late Imperial Chinese History II: Seminar

East Asian Langs & Civ (JAPNHIST) 115: Religion and Society in Edo and Meiji Japan

East Asian Langs & Civ (JAPNHIST) 121:  Comparative History of Women and Gender in East Asia up to WWII

East Asian Langs & Civ (JAPNHIST) 126: Shinto: Conference Course

East Asian Langs & Civ (KORHIST) 261: Readings in Modern Korean History II

Economics (ECON) 2330: History and Human Capital

Economics (ECON) 2339RB: Economic History Lunch

Ethical Reasoning (ETHRSON) 12: Political Justice and Political Trials

History and Literature (HIST-LIT 90AY): Youth Protest in Europe

History and Literature (HIST-LIT 90BC): We the Readers: Reading Communities in Early America

History and Literature (HIST-LIT 90BR): Cultures of Commodity Production Across the Americas

History of Science 148V. Health and Disease in America – Alexander More

Humanities (Human) 52: Human History

Medieval Studies (MEDVLSTD) 117: English Legal History, 600-1600

Medieval Studies (MEDVLSTD) 119: Constitutional and Legal History of Medieval Continental Europe

Medieval Studies (MEDVLSTD) 201: The Auxiliary Disciplines of Medieval History: Proseminar

Near Eastern Languages & Civ (MODMDEST) 100: Introduction to the Modern Middle East

Religion 2464. Reformation and the Making of Religious Practice in Britain and colonial America, c. 1550-1700 – David Hall

Societies of the World (SOCWORLD) 13: Japan in Asia and the World

Societies of the World (SOCWORLD) 38: Pyramid Schemes: The Archaeological History of Ancient Egypt

Societies of the World (SOCWORLD) 49: The Worlds of Business in Modern China

South Asian Studies (SAS) 131:  South Asia: A Global History

South Asian Studies (SAS) 178: Literature as History in South Asia

United States in the World (US) 19: American Food: A Global History

United States in the World (US) 41: Power and Protest: The United States in the World of the 1960s