HIGHS Seminar: “The Religious Case for Revolution: Global Ecumenism and the Anti-Marcos Movement, 1965-1986”


Wednesday, March 30, 2022, 3:45pm to 5:45pm


Zoom (registration required)

The Harvard International and Global History Seminar (HIGHS)

Mark John Sanchez (Vanderbilt University): “The Religious Case for Revolution: Global Ecumenism and the Anti-Marcos Movement, 1965-1986”
Comment: Carleigh Beriont (Harvard)

This session will take place remotely, using Zoom. Please register in advance to receive the paper and the meeting link.

To register: https://harvard.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEpcOyqpj8jE9d-ei0PDv4H4wq7PyHwvvGx