Sudarshana Chanda

Sudarshana Chanda


Sudarshana Chanda entered the PhD program in 2018 and studies China-India transnational history in the 20th century. Sudarshana is particularly interested in following the trajectories of China-India “Asianism” beginning with Tagore's visit to China and the establishment of Cheena Bhavan, to the afterlife of Pan Asianism in the 1950's when both countries embarked on their respective projects of nation building. Her project aims to study how Pan Asianism was enacted on the ground, as revealed through memoirs, travelogues and oral histories, which have not yet been incorporated in the larger narrative of China-India History. She holds an M.A. in China Studies from the Yenching Academy of Peking University, and a B.A. (Hons.) in History from Lady Shri Ram College, University of Delhi. From 2014-16 she was a teaching assistant at the Department of History at Ashoka University.

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