Simone Selva

Simone Selva

Visiting Scholar
Fulbright Scholar

Simone Selva is an economic historian with expertise in U.S. foreign economic and financial relations and in international monetary history during the twentieth century, as well as an economic historian of international energy relations. At Harvard University he is working on a monograph project on the globalisation of U.S. banking and financial institutions in the age of unleashed international financial markets.

He held many research and visiting positions at the universities of Oxford, Columbia, Harvard, NYU, UCL, the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung (Potsdam) and he was fixed-term researcher at the German Historical Institute in Washington DC. More recently he was visiting scholar at the University of Buenos Aires (Host: Prof. María Inés Barbero).

His research and scholarly achievements have been funded, among other bodies, by the DAAD Bonn, The University of Bologna, Il Mulino Publishing House, the Max Weber Stiftung Deutsche Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute im Ausland, the Rotary International, The University of Naples L’Orientale, the Italian Ministry for Research, the Foreign Ministry of the Mexican Government, the Royal Historical Society (London).

He is currently tenure-track assistant professor in international economic history at the University of Naples L’Orientale, a fellow of the Royal Historical Society in London, and local unit leader of an Italian Ministry for Research-funded National Research Project on “Italy’s energy governance in the global economy and politics” (University of Rome La Sapienza, University of Naples L’Orientale, University of Salento).


Key publications:

S.Selva, Before the Neoliberal Turn. The Rise of Energy Finance and the Limits to U.S. Foreign Economic Policy (Palgrave, 2017);

S.Selva, Supra-national Integration and Domestic Economic Growth (Peter Lang, 2012);

S.Selva, Integrazione internazionale e sviluppo interno. Stati Uniti e Italia nei programmi di riarmo del blocco atlantico 1945-1955 (Carocci, 2009);

S.Selva, “Financial Deregulation, monetary tightening, oil crises, transnational capital flows:  the United States and the origins of neoliberal financial policies”, International Journal of Financial Research, Vol 14, n. 4 (2023). DOI:  . Available at:

S.Selva, “Mercati immobiliari, globalizzazione finanziaria e crisi bancarie. Il great crash del 2008 e la frattura della finanza euroatlantica. America, Europa, Italia[in Italian], Rivista Storica Italiana, 2 (2023), pp. 505-542.

S.Selva, “EU Economic and Monetary Integration in the Age of Global Finance”, in    The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems, Springer, London, 2023.


Current project at Harvard University: “Amidst Global Lenders and Borrowers: the Internationalisation of U.S. Financial Institutions in the Age of Global Finance”.

Fields: History of U.S. foreign economic relations

            International financial history

            Economic history of international energy relations

            Global history of U.S. finance

Theme and Methodology

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