Peabody Museum: "Native American Running: Culture, Health, Sport "


Fri - Mon, Apr 15 to Apr 18, 1:30pm - 5:00pm


Various Locations. Kick-off at Science Center, Hall C, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA

The Boston Athletic Association has partnered with Harvard University in the upcoming Native American Running: Culture, Health, Sport event just before the Boston Marathon. The multi-day event kicks off with a Friday, April 15 afternoon conference at Harvard's Science Center on the same theme, featuring Olympian Billy Mills (Oglala Lakota), "Born to Run" author Chris McDougall, with Native American runners, historians, and educators. 

The conference is free, and no registration is required. See the full schedule on the website.

Coinciding with both the 2016 Boston Marathon and with the 80th anniversary of Ellison Myers “Tarzan” Brown, Sr. (Narragansett) winning the Marathon in 1936, this multi-day event will explore the history and importance of Native American running traditions, present efforts to support and encourage running in Native American communities today, and promote the many benefits of running. This event will include talks, panel discussions at the Boston Marathon Expo, and youth/community activities. 


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